
Moody Park Activator – Elizabeth Brown

Group of people at the event

About Moody Park In 1982, The County Board of Supervisors in the city of Milwaukee renamed a park in the Amani Community neighborhood to Moody Park, after Calvin C Moody. Moody became one of the first African American’s to earn the title of detective in 1949 and also was a Milwaukee Police Officer for 25 […]

Moody Park Artist – Art Fu Yung aka Jamahl Turner

Art Fu Yung photo

“I truly believe at times when I’m working in my studio in my garage, that Tay is saying “keep going, keep working.”  – Jamahl Turner on being lead artist of the Moody Park Project.   Jamahl Turner & Art Fu Yung At the age of 15, Jamahl Turner set foot in the city of Milwaukee […]

Al Jarreau Park 2023

Click below to learn more information about volunteering to help paint the courts in Al Jarreau Park